Weekly Update W/E 18/3/2019

We hope you had a great long weekend and enjoyed the rain.

Welcome Grow Tasmania

We are pleased to welcome Grow Tasmania to Kingston Neighbourhood House.

Grow Tasmania provides a facilitated mental health peer support program for members (anyone can be a member).

Grow will be commencing their first session on Friday night from 7 – 9.30pm.

Working with Vulnerable People Cards (WWVP)

All staff and volunteers who have Maranoa Heights Community Centre as their employer need to change their employer to Kingston Neighbourhood House.

You can update your details by clicking here and selecting ‘My Registration’ – you will need your WWVP card number.

(I have been advised by CBOS (the Tas Govt. department) that we are unable to do a ‘group’ update unfortunately).

International Womens Day

On Friday 8th Linda attended the International Women’s Day breakfast at Wrest Point Casino as a guest of Alison Standen (Labour Member for Franklin).

Linda was very happy to meet her idol, Kate Cebrano, and participate in the RHH Research Foundation for Tasmania’s largest International Women’s Day event; a time to celebrate the role of women in so many roles across our communities.

Therapeutic Arts with Ricky Pfeiffer

On Friday March 8th, we welcomed a new Therapeutic Arts program facilitated by Ricky Pfeiffer.

We had 7 people attend and the buzz around the room was very exciting – it appeared to be something the community was looking forward to.  We received some really great feedback and a few participants mentioned inviting their friends to the next session.

Congratulations Linda Hill

Kingston Neighbourhood House would like to congratulate Volunteer Team Leader, Linda Hill, on completing her final unit for the Certificate III in Community Services qualification.

Congratulations Linda, KNH is very proud of you.

Family Matters Program – An Exciting new Program for Parents in our Community

Our program commences on 30th April and we are keen to hear from you if you are interested in taking part.

FAMILY MATTERS is a program for parents who want to learn more about:

  • First Aid for children
  • Circle of Security
  • Healthy school lunch ideas
  • Managing money

The program has the Circle of Security at its core and FREE Child Care is provided

Please contact David on 03 6229 4066 or call in to discuss.

Food Security

We are pleased to be working on some changes to our Food Security program over the coming months.

We are conscious of creating sustainable food security as well as providing for short term food relief.

Due to the generosity of Peter & Patricia from Kingborough Community Missions and the support of our sponsors we are in the early stages of developing a Food Security Team who will balance short tern emergency food relief needs with longer term food sustainability including healthy eating classes  – Watch this Space!!!


Visit the event calendar for a full list of this week’s events.

As always, please feel free to contact us to suggest ideas, raise any issues or discuss concerns – our community values your feedback.

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