Part Time Childcare Leader – Expressions of Interest
Are you a passionate childcare worker looking for a few extra hours? Or looking for that little bit of extra experience to advance your career? Kingston Neighbourhood House runs a small childcare service so families ...
Seasons Greetings
We wish everyone warm and festive greetings for Christmas. With 2020 coming to a close we hope you have the time to reflect on a difficult year and look forward to brighter 2021. We are ...
Christmas Fundraiser
Fiona has organised a licence from Parks and Wildlife to cut Christmas trees from Seven Mile Beach as a fundraising exercise for KNH – thank you very much Fiona. Fiona is looking for some volunteers ...
KNH Update October 2020
Welcome to the first week of school holidays. With all the restrictions 2020 has placed on us we sincerely hope you get to spend some quality time with your children these holidays. KNH is looking ...
Kingston Neighbourhood House Gradual Re-Opening
You may be pleased to know we are steadily making plans to gradually start re-opening Kingston Neighbourhood House over the coming weeks. The pandemic restrictions have hit us all hard and hit us where it ...
We are here, operating behind closed doors
The Kingston Neighbourhood House Community We are continually amazed and inspired by the commitment and resourcefulness of all our volunteers and staff. We have settled into a regular routine of daily activities and tasks and ...
Not all heroes wear capes!
We hope you are all safe and well. Thank you everyone for your ongoing support and communication. We are heartened to know that we are still a large part of people’s lives. Although we operating ...
ECU update – information regarding education and care provision during student free period
The Education and Care Unit (ECU) understand that providers, services and educators are concerned about the potential impacts of COVID-19 and the challenges this situation presents to the sector and the community. This is an ...
Community Engagement Notice
Dear Neighbourhood Houses Thank you for assisting the Australian community with managing the impact of COVID-19 during this difficult time. In an effort to combat misinformation a new Australian Government website has been set up ...