Services & Organisations operating from and partnering with us
Local health & fitness group (Afro Brazilian art Form)
Children's Choir
Local community Children Choir group
Eating with friends
Monthly community lunches
Huon and Kingston FM
Community radio broadcast partner.
Kingston Knitting Club
Local community group
Kingston Men's Probus club
Local community group
Puzzle club
Local community group
Scrabble Club
Local community group
Kingborogh Council
Grant funding, workshop and program partner
Kingborogh Helping Hands
Thursday night emergency food relief.
Food relief donations
Art Works
Fortnightly art session.
Kingborough Community Mission
Emergency food relief items.
Enjoy Church
Distribution of food relief items.
Ons Genoegen Card Group
Local community group.
Mate Ship
Veterans Program in development.
KNH Child Care Centre
Occasional Care & Playgroup
Department of Communities
Primary funding body.
Supervised access visits for children / Family conference meeting.Department of Education
Childcare funding body.
Kingston Community Garden
Gardening Workshops
Faith Methodist Church Hobart
Language and Culture sharing session.