Hi Everyone
We are still here to support our community as the best we can.
Our door is temporarily closed but we welcome you with open arms from a social distance.
Please ring us on 6229 4066 and let us know how we can help or email us.
We are enforcing social distancing guidelines however we can work with you to provide:
- Food relief, depending on availability;
- NILS Loans;
- Information, advice, referral and support;
- Phone support to vulnerable community members; and
- Computer use (1 person, bookings required).
Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates, online activities and games and other interesting information.
We are listening to the needs of our community and developing ways to meet those needs. Please help us by letting us know your thoughts and ideas.
These times give us the chance to care for each other and create opportunities for connecting in other ways – lets be creative.
If you know of anyone in our community that may need our support, please let us know.
Thank you for your caring.