Making a difference with our community

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About Us

We welcome people from all walks of life to visit the Centre for support, information, or to participate in the activities we offer.


Childcare Activities

We have childcare events and activities planned throughout the school term. Check out and book for any events you may be interested in.

school holiday excursion

Newsletters and Flyers

Keep up to date with the latest Newsletters and flyers information to know what's going on at the House each week. 

Our Goals

Responding to the needs of our community.

Building Community

Building Community

Developing community spirit and cohesion through supporting community networks and mutual co-operation between people in the community.

Community Governance

Community-led Governance

We are governed by a management committee or board of management consisting of volunteers living or working in the local community.


Supporting People and their Families

Building and supporting the personal skills, knowledge, abilities and resilience of people in the community.

Health and wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing

Activities from gentle exercise to structured programs, designed to support people’s health and wellbeing goals and aspirations. 

Enhancing Choices

Enhancing Choices

Supporting and extending training and employment opportunities to improve economic independence by increasing available options.

Healthy Food

Affordable, Healthy Food

We receive a wide range of donations of food from local businesses such as bread, fresh fruit and vegetables. We bag this up for people to enjoy.  

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