Good Morning Everyone,
We hope you are enjoying the summer sun and keeping safe.
Tasmanian Fire Service (TFS)
It is timely to remind people of the information available on the Tasmanian Fire Service (TFS) website as the temperature warms up and rain is scarce.
- Information on current bushfires is available by clicking here or by accessing:
- Information on Bushfire Protection Plans are available by clicking here or by accessing:
* There is no specific Bushfire Protection Plan for Kingston but there are some for surrounding areas including Summerleas.
Tenancy Law Information Sessions – Know Your Rights
The Tenants Union of Tasmania is conducting free legal information sessions across the state for tenants and other interested parties.
Considering the current Tasmanian housing crisis, it is important for tenants to know their rights so they are not improperly put out onto the street or living in substandard homes.
If you are interested please let us know by clicking here and we can arrange a sessions (minimum of 10 people required). Please let us know your preferred day and time.
Maranoa Reserve Clean Up Day
Friday January 11th was an important day in the life of KNH.
We supported Boshra Yazahmeidi, a local community member, to advertise and recruit volunteers and Council support to assist cleaning up the Maranoa Reserve next door to KNH.
We were very excited as we had 35+ RSVPS and eventually 25+ people attended (considering 30o degree temperature prediction). We collected over 10 garbage bags of rubbish, glass and plastics and had a BBQ to celebrate at the completion.
Gloves, bags and truck for collection were provided through Scott Rollins (Parks and Reserves Coordinator), Works Department at Kingborough Council.
The outcome was not only clearing up the park and demonstrating some civic pride, we were also pleasantly surprised at the number of people who attended who were not known to the House and the number of young people involved.
There were a couple of people who came over from neighbouring houses once they saw what we were doing. Another unexpected outcome is the role modelling this provides for local residents to know this is their park and their space to manage.
Special thanks as always to our wonderful volunteers without whom we would have had great difficulty achieving today’s outcomes.
Well done everyone, great work.
Dave’s Leave
I am away from the office from Thursday 17th January returning on Tuesday 12th February. We have a roster in place however if you would like to nominate yourself to help out, please feel free to put your name on the roster and indicate the times you would be available.
Visit the event calendar for a full list of this week’s events.
As always, please feel free to contact us to suggest ideas, raise any issues or discuss concerns – our community values your feedback.