Weekly Update W/E 7/6/2019

Good Morning Everyone, we hope your weekend wasn’t too chilly and wet.

We have a big week coming up and are looking forward to seeing you come in for a cuppa, chat and warm up.

Op Swop Shoppe

We may be expecting a mild winter but if you are aware of anyone who could use some warm winter woollies, please come in and see our Op / Swop Shoppe or even donate an item or two.

We can always put a call out on social media for extra support from our magnificent community, if people need extra winter woollies.

Family, Food & Fun Dinner

We were very excited to host the second of the Family, Food & Fun Dinner night initiated by The Salvation Army last Wednesday night.

It was a great success and we are very positive about how the dinner will be a great support to our local families – great work Steve and all our volunteers, it sounded like a great night was had by all.

Visit from Mayor of Kingborough – Dean Winter

We are fortunate to have Cr Dean Winter, Mayor of Kingborough, visiting this week to discuss emerging issues and community need that we are seeing at Kingston Neighbourhood House.

It is a great opportunity to be able to share our challenges, seek support and discuss developing greater connections with the work the council is doing.

Volunteer Celebration for National Volunteer Week – Salty Dog, Kingston Beach

Thank you everyone for opportunity to celebrate the enormous contribution volunteers make to Kingston Neighbourhood House .

We had a great night at Salty Dog and we received extremely positive feedback about the venue and quality of food, thank you for making it a great night.

Maranoa Reserve Clean Up Day

On Friday 14th June, Kingston Neighbourhood House will be assisting clean up the reserve next door.  We will start at approximately 2pm and finish at 3.00pm with a BBQ.

Please let us know if you are interested in assisting – all protective gear will be provided.

Earn & Learn                                                                                                 

Please keep your unloved Earn & Learn stickers coming into Kingston Neighbourhood House and remember we also have a donation box at Woolworths Kingston Town.

Thank you for your support.


Visit the event calendar for a full list of this week’s events.

As always, please feel free to contact us to suggest ideas, raise any issues or discuss concerns – our community values your feedback.

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