We woke up this weekend to find the mountain covered in frost and it looks like we have to wait until Friday to start the morning off over 5o– get those beanies, scarves and jumpers out of the cupboard.
Testing & Tagging was completed last week so we are compliant for the next 12 months
Mental Health First Aid
We took part in the workshop, Mental Health First Aid for the Suicidal person on Friday with Matt Grey from iTrain and all attendees were very positive about our learnings.
Pizza Oven
We have been very fortunate to have received a grant from the Premier’s Department to purchase a mobile pizza oven and are looking forward to our first use after the School Holiday Excursion.
School Holiday Excursion
We are planning on a return visit to Woody’s Skate and Play on Thursday 18th July as a result of very positive feedback from parents and children.
We will host a BBQ/Pizza afternoon after the bus returns.
Earn & Learn
Please keep your unloved Earn & Learn stickers coming into KNH and remember we also have a donation box at Woolworths Kingston Town.
Thank you for your support.
Visit the event calendar for a full list of this week’s events.
As always, please feel free to contact us to suggest ideas, raise any issues or discuss concerns – our community values your feedback.