Back to School

Weekly Update W/E 29/5/2020

We hope everyone is having a great start to the week. School is back in…

We know this will mean many different things to people, some are sad to lose that time with our children that came with home schooling and being immersed in their learning; others will be relieved. We know some people will feel scared and anxious as their children return to school and some will feel lonely; others will be happy to our children playing with their friends again. Whatever you feel, however your home environment is this morning, you know you have done the unexpected, you have been strong and responded to a once in a lifetime event. We don’t know every challenge you have faced and beaten but you have, and you will continue to be strong and overcome. You are our community and we are proud.

Thank you to everyone for continuing to keep an eye and ear out for your neighbours.

KNH Community Buddies

Our Community Buddies Program is going very well thank you everyone.

Please keep an ear out and if you know anyone who would like a friendly phone call from one of our wonderful staff or volunteers, please let us know tel 6229 4066.

Neighbourhood House Week

We celebrated one of the most unusual Neighbourhood House Weeks ever last week.

As you know, the heart and soul of KNH is the community. NH Week is usually a time to gather together and celebrate diversity, strength, creativity and resilience. Well this year we had to do it online.

You may have seen the video we posted to FaceBook (a big thank you to Sanae) which was also shared with 35 other Neighbourhood Houses across Tasmania.

We created a letter written from staff and volunteers to our 2022 KNH selves The letter will be stored in a time capsule at Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania (NHT) and opened in 2022, at a time when, hopefully, the memories of the pandemic restrictions are fading and we are connected again.

National Volunteer Week

For National Volunteer week we held a virtual morning tea. Personally, a virtual morning tea is something we have not much experience with however it was an enjoyable and rewarding experience for those who took part. We shared a virtual sponge cake and cuppa it staff, volunteers and Management committee members.


Please keep an eye out on our FaceBook page for the KNH COVID Survey. We will distribute the Survey this week. The survey is designed to give us a snap shot of our community during the pandemic.

We will use the information from the survey to hep us prepare for the easing of restrictions and to plan the types of programs and activities that may best suit our community.

Baptcare My Horizons are running a Mental Health Recovery Group online!

Please see the MyHorizons Online Recovery Group flyer for general information on the sessions along with the referral documents.

Group Dates:

  • Group One: Starts on Wednesday 10th June 2020 @11:00am. This group will run once a week on a Wednesday
  • Group Two: Starts on Monday 15th June @11:00am. This group will run twice a week on Monday and Thursday

Referral due date:

Referrals should be emailed to by no later than COB Friday 5th June 2020.

KNH COVID Safe Workplace

Kingston Neighbourhood House has completed the WorkSafe Tasmania COVID Safe Workplace documentation.

We have met the requirement that organisations complete a WorkSafe plan for re-opening once pandemic restrictions have been lifted. We making sure volunteers and staff have completed COVID19 Online Infection Control Training. We are receiving a lot of information that will assist us to re-open safely including increased cleaning practices. We are conscious of the safety of all community members so we will be re-opening when we are advised to by the Tasmanian
Government and Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania (NHT).

Term 2 Newsletter

Our Term 2 Newsletter will be printed at a later date. Our newsletter is an information and promotional tool for KNH and we are keen to produce the next newsletter when we have a better understanding of what programs, activities and services will be scheduled at Kingston Neighbourhood House.

We will be rescheduling our Planning Day as an invitation to the community to help us plan for the coming months and to identify the most appropriate programs for families, individuals and children post-pandemic.

We would love to thank Senator Catryna Bilyk for her continued support in printing our newsletters.

Take Care and Keep Safe

We are feeling the excitement in the comunity as restrictions are gradually being lifted and we are equally anxious to throw our doors open. As we navigate, hopefully, the last few week of social isolation, it is tempting to rush ahead. We have been well placed in reducing community transmissions and we hope Tasmania’s early action means
we are not too far away from business as usual. Let’s not undo the great work our community has done, and the sacrifices we have all made, let’s be strong as we move towards the finish line and, still, take care and keep safe.

“The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong…”

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