peace education program

Weekly Update W/E 2/8/2019

Welcome to a wet and rainy start to the week.

We hope you have a great week and we look forward to seeing you at Eating with Friends, our community lunch, on Friday.

Children’s Commissioner to visit Kingston Neighbourhood House

Leanne McLean, the Commissioner for Children & Young People, will be visiting KNH this week to talk to KNH staff, parents and children.

Leanne has been visiting Neighbourhood Houses across Tasmania to develop an understanding of the best methods to promote the rights and wellbeing of children and young people.

We have a range of people and experiences to share with Leanne during her visit.  Please feel free to visit the Children’s Commissioner website to find out more.

Eating with Friends – Community Lunch

On Friday 2nd August we are hosting our monthly Eating with Friends Community Lunch from 12.00PM.

$6.00 for a two course meal (main and dessert) is a hard deal to beat.

Our menu this week includes:

  • Irish Stew with mashed potato (a great winter heart warmer), and
  • Barley and broccoli risotto with lemon and basil (vegan option).

Please call 6229 4066 to make your booking.

Peace Education Proram – Commencing 13 August 2019

We are very pleased to welcome Helen back to Kingston Neighbourhood House to reprise the world renowned Peace Education Program.

The program was created and developed from Prem Rawat’s (Global Peace Ambassador) talks.  The program has made a significant and lasting difference to many people coping with pressures and challenges of the modern world we are living in.

The sessions focus on 10 different themes: Peace, Appreciation, Inner Strength, Self-Awareness, Clarity, Understanding, Dignity, Choice, Hope, and Contentment.

The program is free to attend however pre-registration is advised.  E P 03 6229 8141

For further information please click here or to see a trailer click here.

Thought for the week

 Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do

John Wooden

Food Relief – Additional Collections

We have negotiated with Coles Kingston and Loaves & Fishes Tasmania (formerly Second Bite) to increase collection of food products during the week.  The benefit is that a later collection time means we have greater access to

fruit and vegetables which we don’t have earlier in the morning.

If you are able to assist with collection at 11.00AM we would love to hear from you.

Boring Admin Stuff

  • Findex (formerly Crowe Horwath) have completed the onsite audit for Kingston Neighbourhood House for the 2018/19;
  • Kingston Neighbourhood House has collected our six monthly data for reporting to Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania (NHT) and DHHS;
  • Kingston Neighbourhood House completed statistical return identifying levels of Family Support and Mental Health support provided to the community (may help with resources)       

AGM, Financial Memberships plus Nominating for the KNH Board

  • If you are interested in finding out more about being on the Board of KNH please feel free to contact our Vice President, Eddie, who can provide you with information on the process.
  • We will be advertising our AGM in mid-August.

If you wish to renew your financial membership (necessary for voting at the AGM), please call in and complete our Financial Membership Form.

Please feel free to call Eddie on 0488 384 107 or call in on Wednesdays to talk to him.


Visit the event calendar for a full list of this week’s events.

As always, please feel free to contact us to suggest ideas, raise any issues or discuss concerns – our community values your feedback.

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