welcome headspace

Weekly Update W/E 19/7/2019

Welcome to the second week of school holidays and we are looking forward to a return, by popular demand, to Woody’s Skate & Play this week for our school excursion.

Welcome to Headspace

We are very excited to welcome Headspace to Kingston Neighbourhood House.  Headspace are commencing a fortnightly outreach presence at Kingston Neighbourhood House from Thursday 18th July.

headspace Hobart is a free, youth-focused health service for young people aged 12-25 who are:

  • feeling down, depressed or anxious
  • having difficulty sleeping or concentrating
  • being hurt or bullied
  • worried about drinking or drug use
  • needing sexual health help.

Contact Headspace via email (headspace@thelink.org.au) or call 03 6231 2927.

School Holiday Excursion

Reminder the bus is departing at 9.00AM on Thursday 18th.

Maranoa Reserve Clean Up Day – Friday 12th July 2pm

A big thank you to everyone who attended on Friday – we collected half a dozen bags of rubbish and had some warm nibblies afterwards to say thank you.

Thank you to everyone who helped clean up and catered, it was a great example of the community coming together. 

Thought for the Week

Don’t look back, you’re not going that way.

Administration (Boring Stuff)

Over the next few week we have a bit of a focus on getting ready for our Audit, AGM, finalising our DHHS Report and starting to get ready for our planning day in October.

  • Financial Memberships are being renewed – please contact us on 6229 4066 if you wish to renew your membership, and
  • Board Nominations for AGM – If you considering nominating for a KNH Board position at the AGM, please feel to call in and ask any questions you may have.


Visit the event calendar for a full list of this week’s events.

As always, please feel free to contact us to suggest ideas, raise any issues or discuss concerns – our community values your feedback.

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