Rug Up Tassie Winter Appeal

Kingston Neighbourhood House Gradual Re-Opening

You may be pleased to know we are steadily making plans to gradually start re-opening Kingston Neighbourhood House over the coming weeks.

The pandemic restrictions have hit us all hard and hit us where it hurts, connecting with community. As they loosen we are hopeful we will see you sooner rather than later. We have been very appreciative of the ongoing messages of support and goodwill shared by our community.

We have been asked why aren’t we open for some groups or activities. A simple answer is that Neighbourhood Houses are for everyone and we wish to ensure our environment is safe for everyone including our most vulnerable community members.

  • we are looking at what other Neighbourhood Houses are doing and listening to NHT advice about safe environments;
  • although numbers allowed indoors have increased, social distancing of 2 metres must be maintained and KNH has limited floorspace;
  • we are offering NILS Loans electronically, service referral and advice, and one-on-one meeting space for service agencies so that we can trial our processes;
  • many of our community groups have self-excluded, some to the end of 2020;
  • as we reintroduce Loaves & Fishes bag collections we will have greater experience in inviting smaller groups and activities back in to KNH.

We will trial our re-opening procedures over the coming week(s), identify concerns and issues and keep you informed.

KNH is in receipt of regular updates from the State Government and have completed the WorkSafe Tasmania COVID-19 Safety Plan required to re-open safely.

Loaves & Fishes – 29th June

We are recommencing Loaves & Fishes (formerly known a Second Bite) from Monday 29th June.

Please contact us on 6229 4066 to place an order for food products we receive from Loaves & Fishes on Monday morning.
We will need your first name, contact number and the amount of people you wish to receive food for. You do not need to provide a bag, we will place all food products into new bags and staff and volunteers handling food will be using hand sanitiser, face masks and disposable gloves. We will divide the products we receive equally to families and individuals who have expressed interest.

Bags can be collected from 1pm to 4pm on Monday, we will not keep them longer due to food handling guidelines.

Food Relief

From Tuesday any food we receive will be stacked on the shelves at the front of KNH as they were pre-pandemic.

We welcome people into KNH to collect any bits and pieces they wish. When entering KNH from Monday, people will be required to complete a *Visitor Screening Declaration – this is one of the requirements under the WorkSafe Tasmania COVID-19 Safety Plan. The declaration requires you to put your name and contact number on the sheet in the event we need to provide it to the Government

KNH will provide a new bag, people will be asked to sanitise their hands and put on gloves to handle food. We can only allow one person at a time in the front foyer due to the 2 metre rule

*The information we collect will be securely stored in line with Australian Privacy Principles and all information will be destroyed once we received advice from the Government.

Rug Up Tassie Winter Appeal

As winter ramps up and the weather chills down, we are rallying Tassie to knit together and create hundreds of blankets to donate to people without warm shelter or clothing for Rug Up Tassie, from 16 June to 26 July.

To be a part of this special appeal you just need to knit 20cm wool squares – as many as you can handle! Then, drop them off at KNH and we will deliver them to a collection point where volunteers will join these squares into blankets.

For more information please read the information on the ABC website – Rug Up Tassie Winter Appeal

Karen is coordinating this for KNH and can be contacted on 6229 4066 or via


The KNH COVID Survey has been distributed through our FaceBook page and have received a good number of responses already.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to complete the survey please click here to take you to the Survey.

The survey is designed to give us a snap shot of our community during the pandemic. We will use the information from the survey to help us prepare for the easing of restrictions and to plan the types of programs and activities that may best suit our community.

KNH Community Buddies

Our Community Buddies Program has clocked up over 100 calls to vulnerable Community members in recent weeks, thank you everyone for your great work.

We have provide food relief, NILS Loans and information, advice and support to those in need and we have received heart-warming feedback. Please keep an ear out and if you know anyone who would like a friendly phone call from one of our wonderful staff or volunteers, please let us know.

KNH Newsletter

Our next newsletter will be printed at a later date. Our newsletter is an information and promotional tool for KNH and we are keen to produce the next newsletter when we have a better understanding of what programs, activities and services will be scheduled at KNH.

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