Weekly Update W/E 21/6/2019

Good Morning Everyone,

Welcome to the Tassie frost season…I tried to hose the frost off the car this morning but the hose was frozen!

We have a bit on this week with Testing & Tagging of electrical appliances happening today.

We are getting ready for our Annual Financial Audit and have a Mental Health First Aid Workshop later this week.

Unfortunately, we postponed our Clean Up Day and are looking to reschedule to the first week in school holidays.

Salvation Army Doorways

Salvation Army Doorways have been successful in finding a new worker for their Doorways Program.

Doorways will be at Kingston Neighbourhood House commencing from this Friday with all things being equal.

AtWork Australia Disability Employment Services

AtWork Australia commences a presence at Kingston Neighbourhood House this week

We are looking forward to welcoming them on board.

Family Food & Fun Dinner – Salvation Army

Wednesday evenings are proving popular with local families getting together at Kingston Neighbourhood House to share a family meal and some time together.

Thanks to Linda, Anna, Drew and Di for helping Steve to host an enjoyable get together.

Earn & Learn

Please keep your unloved Earn & Learn stickers coming into KNH and remember we also have a donation box at Woolworths Kingston Town.

Thank you for your support.


Visit the event calendar for a full list of this week’s events.

As always, please feel free to contact us to suggest ideas, raise any issues or discuss concerns – our community values your feedback.

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